A Guide To Getting Started With Web 3.0 & Blockchain Development

7 min readAug 25, 2022

The internet has never failed to grab my attention. I’ve always been in awe of its metamorphosis over the years and the vast possibilities it presents. Two decades ago, nobody could imagine that virtual worlds could one day become a reality. Today, however, the whole tech world, including me, is talking about Web 3.0. As our lives continue to integrate with digital media and technology, it begs the question — what will the future of the internet be like? And who will be its moulders & change-makers?

Web 3.0 & the need for blockchain development

Web 3.0 is a possible future version of the internet based on public blockchains, a record-keeping system best known for facilitating cryptocurrency transactions. Its attractiveness lies in its capability as a decentralized, streamlined and more secure space.

With the inherent benefits that come with blockchain technology, organizations and individuals alike are eager to try it out and harness the power it can bring to further their processes. Though this tech, Web 3.0 and subsequently, the industry built around it, has been hot cake for the last years, not every person or business seems to know exactly how to ‘savour’ it. Consequently, when it comes to Web 3.0 and blockchain development experts, there are not many.

Today, the market is experiencing a high demand for such developers who can push technological boundaries and foray into innovative endeavours. And as the applications of blockchain technology continue to expand, there will be strong recruitment competition for skilled talent. But that’s possible only if you have a strong foundation of the basics and a penchant for acing the development race. And that’s where this article comes in!

Since Web 3.0 & blockchain development is quite intimidating for blockchain newbies, it aims to clear the smoke screen and give a step-by-step guide on getting started. Let’s begin!

Step — 1: Polish your Web 2.0 skills

You can’t build a great building on a weak foundation. You must have a solid foundation if you’re going to have a strong superstructure.

The above adage fits perfectly in this case. The technology that powers Web 3.0 is built on top of Web 2.0. Although one can learn Web 3.0 from scratch, the journey becomes easier with a solid foundation of Web 2.0.

HTML, JS, CSS, Next.js & React are the main building blocks of the Frontend of Dapps, NFT marketplaces, and other implementations of blockchain. They belong to the earlier versions, and no Web3.0 frontend excludes them. Similarly, Ether.js and Web3.js connect customer-facing UI with Smart Contracts; building anything using these libraries is a head-scratching debacle without adequate JS knowledge.

The same goes for Solidity, the defacto programming language for devising Smart Contracts. It’s a statically-typed language following OOPs concepts. Even Rust, the perfect language for blockchain development, requires knowhow of C, C++, Java & TypeScript.

Step — 2: Learn the Fundamentals of Blockchain & Its Applications

As a blockchain development professional, you’ll be responsible for blockchain-related smart protocols, Smart Contracts, architecture, and D-apps. Acquiring the requisite knowledge & skills is a critical step and starts with learning the basics of blockchain.

Begin by familiarizing yourself with the blockchain glossary. It’ll shed a better light on blockchain architecture, principles, concepts, and ideas.

Getting the basics also includes learning about popular blockchain development tools, some of which will be vital in your career. It’s not just about technical aspects; you also need to understand the market. Here, you are looking to learn about various virtual currencies, especially cryptocurrencies and ICOs. Bitcoin is the ideal manifestation of the power and capabilities of blockchain technology. Therefore, as a budding blockchain developer, it is also advisable to learn how Bitcoin works.

Make sure you are aware of Blockchain-as-a-service (BaaS) models, popular DApps, and enterprise blockchain solutions.

Step — 3: Learn about Smart Contracts & Solidity Programming

Stored on a blockchain-based platform, a Smart Contract is a piece of software that executes an agreement automatically. It is written in Solidity, Vyper or Rust and is the key component of any decentralized application. It powers the underlying business logic, allowing storage of information on the blockchain, just like in a standard database.

Of course, knowing what smart contracts are is not enough. As a Web3.0 or blockchain developer, you must know how to write your own smart contracts and use them to power your D-apps. Here is when Solidity comes in help.

Solidity is a high-level, contract-oriented programming language for writing smart contracts, allowing programmers to write self-executing code that powers blockchain D-apps. With Solidity, you’ll be able to code applications like a crowdfunding campaigns, loans, lotteries and various types of financial instruments. Needless to say, proficiency in this language is important for anyone who wants to be part of the web’s future.

Step — 4: Learn Compiling, Testing & Deploying Smart Contracts

Now, here’s where the real fun begins!

Designing, coding, deploying and executing a Smart Contract is when you start to connect the dots between your skills and the market’s needs.

Smart contracts are the computational element of blockchain technology. They allow for implementing user-defined operations of arbitrary complexity that are not possible through plain cryptocurrency protocols. They enable users to enforce conditions, rules and policies of domain applications.

Well-designed and coded Smart Contracts are a powerful feature that can result in autonomous, efficient and transparent systems. How well you program them in Solidity and test/deploy in, say, the Remix development environment defines your ability as a Web 3.0 & blockchain developer.

Speaking of testing, I recommend three different libraries (Ganache, Mocha or Chai). And for deployment, you can go with Hardhat, Infura or Truffle).

Step — 5: Dive Deeper Into Decentralized applications

Blockchain smart contracts enable the programmatic, trustful execution of some logic or transaction. Because of their uniqueness, they are fast becoming a critical part of the global digital infrastructure, similar to APIs. But to fully realize this future, smart contracts must become more reliable, secure, and easier to create. That’s where Dapps come to the rescue.

Once you build and deploy your smart contracts, you will need to create a friendly user interface at the front end. D-apps are blockchain-based applications that allow users to interact with smart contracts deployed on the blockchain. Building them is similar to building your regular web application with HTML, CSS and JavaScript but with the additional task of integration with the blockchain & the wallet.

Step — 6: Learn about Crypto Wallets

Unlike the cash wallet in your pocket, crypto wallets don’t actually store your cryptocurrency. Your holdings are stored on the blockchain and only accessible using a private key. Your keys prove your ownership of your digital money, enabling you to conduct transactions. Lose your private keys, and you lose access to your money. That’s why it’s important for a blockchain developer to know the workings of a crypto wallet. Decentralized crypto wallet development is one of the key requirements employers look for.

It helps launch non-custodial crypto wallets and expand a Defi portfolio to a wider base of customers by offering them enhanced security, faster transactions and total control of their crypto assets. As a result, you must learn about customising, deploying and launching a crypto wallet with specialized features like keyless wallets with facial biometrics, multi-coin support, QR scanner, cross-platform compatibility, automatic conversion rates and much more.

Step — 7: Know about ways to earn money as a Web 3.0 & blockchain developer

If you’re someone who can master the above steps, it’s time for you to stack some loot. The blockchain industry is now booming. It is not surprising that there are specialized blockchain job aggregators listing vacancies in the industry. So, start spending some time searching those websites for jobs. Also, you can get paid to contribute to open source projects.

If, like me, you’ve been bitten by the entrepreneurial bug, you may also consider creating a cryptocurrency or blockchain startup. ICOs and venture capital backing are the most popular ways for cryptocurrency and blockchain startups to make money. (PS: Perhaps, our paths are destined to cross beyond this article!)

What’s more, given the enormous popularity of D-apps in recent years, I would be prudent to create and monetize your projects. Common revenue sources include token sales, donations, paid subscriptions or memberships, and transaction fees.

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In Conclusion

Working as a Web 3.0 and blockchain developer comes with several benefits, including earning a decent salary, deep exposure to blockchain technologies, and the ability to train others. However, success starts with a single step that requires passion and dedication.

Learning the basics and having real-life experience in this industry is essential before delving into Web 3.0/blockchain courses. Social skills and business knowledge will also greatly increase your programming skills. Connect with the right people and keep learning to make your journey as a blockchain developer a success.

I’ll end this article with a bonus tip: Always aim to stay relevant. The blockchain industry is evolving faster than ever, with new technologies emerging from time to time. It is important to consistently upgrade your knowledge & skills to position yourself as a proficient Web 3.0 or blockchain developer in the market. Plus, you’re sure to quickly resolve current issues if you have up-to-date experience.

Be eager to hear what the experts have to divulge from time to time. Also, subscribe to crypto and blockchain-related podcasts and relevant YouTube channels. Online guides can also be critical to staying relevant in the industry.

Okay, enough said and read. I hope you liked this article. Do share your thoughts in the comments below. Stay tuned for more in-depth takes on Web 3.0/blockchain/crypto industry.

